Why are there so many temperature measurement systems? - Quora

Why are there so many temperature measurement systems? - Quora

Why are there so many temperature measurement systems? - Quora

Answer (1 of 2): Kelvin is an absolute scale with 0 being absolute zero and going up from there. It has it's uses, but for most people the only time we are ever exposed to it is in color temperatures. Or maybe that is only photographers and odd people who have F.lux installed on their PC. This sc

Why are there so many temperature measurement systems? - Quora

What are the units of force in the metrics system? - Quora

Why are there so many temperature measurement systems? - Quora

Why are there two scales for measuring temperature, when one is based on the other? - Quora

Why are there so many temperature measurement systems? - Quora

Does the human body's temperature fluctuate based on what time of day it is? - Quora

Why are there so many temperature measurement systems? - Quora

How does the classification of stars work? - Quora

Why are there so many temperature measurement systems? - Quora

What are the thermometers used to measure very high temperature? - Quora

Why are there so many temperature measurement systems? - Quora

What does a fuel temperature sensor do in the engine? - Quora

Why are there so many temperature measurement systems? - Quora

How does a car with dual climate control regulate temperature on each side; can one side use the heater while the other uses the A/C? - Quora

Why are there so many temperature measurement systems? - Quora

What is the function of a sensor? - Quora

Why are there so many temperature measurement systems? - Quora

Where is the transmission temperature sensor located in the 1997 F-150? - Quora

Why are there so many temperature measurement systems? - Quora

What is the debate on thermography and other thermometers? - Quora

Why are there so many temperature measurement systems? - Quora

Why do I always have a high body temperature? - Quora