ATG-Always Think Green.
Providing Superior Value in Professional-Grade Luminaires
For almost 20 years,ATG Electronics has been helping clients to reduce their carbon footprint and reduce energy consumption. By 2006,ATG Electronics was an early
mover in the design and production of“Type C”LED T8 tubes with many marquee projects still delivering long-term savings to clients.
In Januarv 2020. ATG announced the formation of a new lighting division: ATG LED Lighting.
ATG LED Lighting now offers a full line of Indoor and Outdoor luminaires,plus current generation Type A,Type B and PL lamp replacements.From architectural area and
flood luminaires,to architectural troffers and high-bays,ATG LED Lighting offers a full range of products for most categories in the commercial/industrial lighting segment.
Specializing in both
renovation and new construction projects,ATG LED Lighting is known as one of the most reliable suppliers in the industry ATG LED has an exceptionally strong warranty
with many products carrying a 10-year warranty
In the renovation market ATG IFD Iiahting is a market leader with many notable proiects in our portfolio Alwavs striving for our products to meet DLC Premium for
maximum rebates. the line includes dedicated retrot kits for troffers. strips and industrials.includina a line-up of 8’ solutions for T12 and T8 fluorescent replacements.
Hiah-bay luminaires is a product
cateaory where ATG LED really excels with a deep line of round and linear solutions.ATG LED has also partnered with the Rebate Bus to help clients nd rebates auickly and
easily.Likewise.we have partnered with Behalf to provide small and larde proiect nancing that meet our customer’s reauirements
With almost all products employing a dimming driver,we integrate with controls of all types. ATG LED employs full-time applications engineers for quick turn-around along with other value-added services such as site survey visits,and ROI calculations.ATG operates six distribution centers in the U.S.along with two factories in China